Member appointment
Members are appointed to the Mental Health Review Tribunal (Tribunal) under the Mental Health Act 2016 (Act) by the Governor in Council on the recommendation of the Minister for Health and Ambulance Services following consultation with the Department of Premier and Cabinet and the Department of Families, Seniors, Disability Services and Child Safety. The statutory appointment process can take a considerable time from application to appointment.
To assist the Minister to identify suitable candidates for membership, the Tribunal undertakes preliminary appointment processes including advertising and shortlisting. Post-appointment, the Tribunal undertakes onboarding and induction/orientation of members.
A range of factors are taken into account when recommending a candidate for appointment as a member:
- satisfaction of the legislative requirements:
- legal: lawyer of at least 5 years standing
- medical: registered under the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law Act 2009 to practice in the medical profession as a specialist registrant in the specialty of psychiatry
- community: a person having qualifications and experience the Minister considers relevant to exercising the Tribunal’s jurisdiction.
- whether the candidate has the competencies developed by the President in the following:
- administrative law
- the operation of the Act
- mental health and intellectual disability issues, including forensic mental health and forensic disability issues.
- whether the candidate has the abilities, skills, knowledge, qualifications, expertise and other essential requirements needed to achieve the outcomes of the role.
- the diversity of the membership cohort to enable the President to schedule members for panels having regard to the following (which is not exhaustive):
- cultural appropriateness
- expertise in child and adolescent psychiatry
- expertise in intellectual disability
- the need for a balanced gender representation in the membership of the Tribunal
- the range and expertise of members
- the need for the membership of the Tribunal to reflect the social and cultural diversity of the general community.
If you have any questions, please contact