Records of hearing

Electronic audio recording

The Tribunal uses electronic audio equipment to record what is said at the hearing. This is called an audio record. Sometimes the record is typed or written down instead of recorded, which is known as a written record.

Only the Tribunal panel is allowed to make these recordings.

The records capture what happened at your hearing and are different from the reasons for the Tribunal decision. You can request the reasons separately by requesting a Statement of Reasons from the Tribunal.

The Tribunal's electronic audio recording policy can be found here.

An evaluation report regarding the implementation of electronic audio recording can be found here.

For more information on electronic audio recording, please see the FAQ below or contact the Tribunal on telephone 07 3338 8315 or at


Consumer Information Sheet - Records of Hearings


Information Sheet - Records of Hearings


Request for Record of Hearing


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Kiteworks user guide - using Apple devices



These are some of the most frequently asked questions.

Who can request the recording?

You, your nominated support person, personal guardian, legal representative, and some others can ask for a copy of the recording. You won’t get a copy if your hearing was adjourned, but you can request it after a final decision is made. Usually, you will receive an audio record, but on some occasions, you will get a written copy instead.

How do I request a copy of the recording?

If you would like a record of your hearing, please fill out the Request for Record of Hearing form and send it to the Tribunal. You can find a copy of the form here. The Tribunal will email you with more information once they receive your request.

Will the recording tell me why the Tribunal made their decision?

The audio will not give you reasons for the Tribunal decision. You must request a statement of reasons for more information on the decision.

Is the recording confidential?

There are rules and responsibilities for you, the Tribunal and others about how records can and cannot be used. For example, they cannot be uploaded on to social media.

Can I have a transcript of the hearing?

Usually, a transcript will not be provided. If you want one, you will need to tell the Tribunal why you need the written record instead of the audio.

Still have questions?

Get in touch.
