Annual reports
Under section 774 of the Mental Health Act 2016, each year, the President is required to prepare and present an annual report on the Mental Health Review Tribunal's (Tribunal) operations to the Minister for Health and Ambulance Services. The report is tabled by the Minister in the Legislative Assembly. The Tribunal’s annual report outlines the key functions, productivity and achievements of the Tribunal in relation to its statutory responsibilities and strategic goals. If you require further information or wish to obtain Tribunal annual reports prior to the dates published below, or would like a paper copy of any report, please contact the Tribunal here.
The materials presented on this site are provided by the Tribunal for information purposes only. Users should note that the electronic versions of the annual report on this site are not recognised as the official or authorised versions. The electronic versions are provided solely on the basis that users will take responsibility for verifying their accuracy, completeness and currency. Although considerable resources are used to prepare and maintain the electronic versions, the Tribunal accepts no liability for any loss or damage that may be incurred by any person acting in reliance on the electronic versions. The official copy of the annual report, as tabled in the Legislative Assembly of Queensland can be accessed from the Queensland Parliament’s tabled papers website database: https://www.parliament.qld.gov.au/Work-of-the-Assembly/Tabled-Papers
Quarterly reports
Please click on the links below to see a snapshot of selected Tribunal activity data for each quarter. Please note the data is correct at the time of publishing, however the annual report should be relied on for full year data.