
If you require emergency assistance for a life threatening situation, please call 000. For non-urgent health advice, please contact 1300 MH CALL (1300 64 2255). 1300 MH CALL is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and will link you to your nearest Queensland Public Mental Health Service

Our contact details


Level 16,  53 Albert Street

Brisbane QLD 4000


PO Box 15818 

City East Brisbane QLD 4002

What can I provide feedback about?

Decisions made by the Mental Health Review Tribunal (Tribunal) in accordance with the Mental Health Act 2016 (Act) may not be covered by our complaints process. You may wish to consider other options such as appeals or requesting a statement of reasons if you are unhappy with the Tribunal’s decision.  However, feedback received on the administrative processes relating to these decisions and Tribunal hearings more generally is an important part of continuing to operate at a high standard and we encourage you to provide feedback in relation to those type of matters.

When making a complaint, so that we may assess your complaint and respond appropriately, it is important that you provide sufficient detail.  The information sheet below may assist with this.

If you have an enquiry about your upcoming hearing and need more information, you should call the Hearing Coordinator using the number shown on your notice of hearing.

The Tribunal values your feedback.  To ensure that we are able to appropriately respond to your feedback please consider the following prompts:

  • What happened?
  • Who was involved?
  • When did it happen?
  • Where did it happen?
  • What would you like to happen in response to this issue?

Contact us

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How we manage your feedback

If you contact us using the form on this website, by letter or email your correspondence will be attended to by an appropriate officer in the Tribunal office. We may discuss your concerns internally before a decision is made on the best way to respond.  Further information on the feedback and complaints process may be found in the Tribunal's Policy - Feedback and Complaints Management.

The Tribunal respects the privacy of people providing feedback or contacting us.  Your feedback will be treated confidentially as far as possible and any personal information will be handled in accordance with the Act of the Information Privacy Act 2009.  Further privacy information may be found in our Privacy Statement.

Collection notice

When you supply us with your personal information as part of providing us with feedback or lodging a request for access to information, we will use this information to assist us to address your concerns.  The Tribunal may also use information for the purpose of investigating and implementing improvements to Tribunal operations and practices.

We do not disclose your personal information unless we are permitted or required by law.  Please refer to our Privacy statement for further information on how we manage information.